Psychoactive Becomes New Zealand’s First Webflow Enterprise Partner

Dec 2, 2022
5 Minutes
Psychoactive Becomes New Zealand’s First Webflow Enterprise Partner

From Professional Partner To Enterprise Partner

From becoming a Webflow Professional Partner at the end of 2020 to becoming an Webflow Enterprise Partner at the end of 2022, Psychoactive’s journey with Webflow has been fruitful and fulfilling. Over the past 2 years we’ve created 70+ Webflow projects, trained over 15 Webflow designers & developers, and become one of Oceania’s biggest and most innovative Webflow agencies.

What Is A Webflow Enterprise Partner?

Webflow’s Enterprise Partners are a group of full-service digital agencies and studios that have experience serving enterprise scale design and development projects. These partners also work with Webflow’s solutions team to help bring Webflow to businesses throughout the world.

Why Did Psychoactive Become An Enterprise Partner?


Now that we’ve worked with large organisations like Blackbird and Cogo, we’ve honed our skills and are excited to take the next step toward working with bigger Enterprise companies.

Trust & Reputation 

For us to work with the biggest and best, it’s important that both the Webflow community and our clients see Psychoactive as an authoritative leader in the Webflow space.

Enterprise Features

Our senior Webflow developers have learnt just about everything there is to know about Webflow. They’ve been itching for a new challenge, and now it’s here. Webflow has just released a range of new features including branching, advanced permissions, development logging, multiple domain connections, advanced security options, an improved CMS, and more!

What Does This Mean For Our Webflow Clients? 

Being a Webflow Enterprise partner doesn’t mean we can’t work with small to medium size businesses, but it does mean that we now have the opportunity to utilise Webflow’s specialised Enterprise features with enterprise level organisations. We'll always be here for our smaller clients who are driven to continue pushing the boundaries of the web.

What Are The Benefits Of Working With A Webflow Enterprise Partner Using An Enterprise Site Plan?

Multiple designers working on the same project

Up until now, Webflow has only allowed one team member to be working on a project at a time. We can now have multiple designers working on separate pages at the same time, allowing us to ship sites faster by having teams work in parallel.

Set advanced permissions for your team members

We can now control who can make changes to project elements like classes and components, as well as safeguard who can access and publish projects.

Track changes and fix issues faster

Extended visibility now allows us to see a running log of what design changes our teams are making so that we can identify and debug issues faster.

Connect multiple projects on one domain

Our teams can now focus on the parts of the website they own by connecting multiple projects on a single domain with reverse proxy support.

Bigger and better CMS options

Historically, performance issues within Webflow have limited customers to 10,000 or fewer CMS items. Webflow have now built a new an improved CMS storage architecture allowing for more CMS items, more features, and a better overall CMS user experience (UX)

With a range of other exciting site features on the way and Enterprise level support, our clients will sleep easy knowing that Psychoactive have the expertise and support to build them a beautiful, secure, high-speed website.

What Does Psychoactive’s Future With Webflow Look Like?

We love Webflow as a tool that allows us to bring our designs to life. And our clients love it too. From its easy to use content management system (CMS) to its visual design editor, there’s a lot to love, and a lot to look forward to. We’re particularly excited for Webflow to further develop its new membership feature, allowing us to more easily build and manage client databases. 

It certainly helps that Webflow sees a future in more WebGL and custom code. Psychoactive has been pushing boundaries with WebGL in a few of our projects which will be released early next year. As more features are developed within Webflow, there will be more opportunities for our team to take web projects to the next level.

Webflow Custom development

Psychoactive’s long term vision is to work on more experiential projects like Soul Aether, Zendetta, Hype Entertainment and Psychoactive Amphibians. Right now, this type of work is too complex for Webflow, so we built these projects using custom code. This is due to Webflow’s custom-code development limitations, which makes sense since Webflow is marketed as a ‘No-Code platform’!

While we look forward to seeing how Webflow expands its tools in the future, we love Webflow because of its ease of use, and ability to quickly and creatively illiterate. There isn't anything quite like it, so we’re invested in working on ways to improve and optimise the custom-code experience. This includes creating our own custom-code integration with VS Code, Node.Js, Parcel.Js & GitHub.

We are also currently working on a few Webflow projects that contain WebGL elements and custom-code integrations. This includes interactive 3D assets and subtle special effects, as well as customised language language translation features. Together with Webflow, we are building a better WebGL pipeline for the future. 

Webflow Memberships

For years now, the database and membership options within Webflow native have been non-existent. The best options were to use third party integrations like Memberstack or make-shift solutions using software like Zapier and Airtable

Webflow has recently brought out Memberships, a feature that allows us to create exclusive, branded experiences for our clients directly in Webflow. Memberships include the ability to gate content and build membership portals. We’re really excited about the opportunity of doing more work with Memberships and bringing on more clients who have projects that require membership portals. 

Webflow Workspaces

In the past, Psychoactive had hosted most of our clients Webflow websites on our own account. This made it significantly easier to manage multiple client projects because they were all in one place, we didn’t have to remember client passwords to login to their accounts, and clients could still edit CMS content on their site through our account. At the same time, it meant clients didn’t feel like they had full ownership over their project, and their access was limited when it came to making design or development updates. This setup definitely had its pros and cons, but now Webflow has introduced a new and improved system.

Webflow Workspaces eliminate a lot of the cons, and have added a bunch more pros! It’s now easier than ever for Psychoactive to collaborate with clients: logging into clients Webflow accounts as a guest with full designer access. It seems simple, but it’s going to change the way we interact with other organisations.

Ready To Start A Webflow Project?

We love hearing people’s stories and project ambitions. Helping to grow our client’s businesses is what gives us the most joy. Working with clients who appreciate the finer details and our creative process is what keeps a lot of us at the studio coming back to build with Webflow again and again.. Being of amphibious nature, we have the expertise to help improve and morph your business’ digital presence.

We’re ready whenever you are! Just give us a bell at - let us know what you’re looking to achieve with your Webflow project, and we'll jump at the chance to hear more!